Sunday, January 26, 2014

Post Op Day 6-A Day on the Road

Crazy winter weather, bumpy roads, and my inability to find a comfortable position led to many pit stops on our way back to Knoxville.  We tried our best to follow Nurse Elena's instructions to get out and walk every hour (which is mainly to prevent blood clots from forming in my legs, but it was also necessary as I'm having to hydrate more than usual right now!)  Mom was a trooper and did a great job navigating us through the snow/icy conditions. It sure feels great to be back in TN and snuggled up in my own bed.  And as every good ol KS girl knows, there really is, 'no place like home.'  :)


  1. Glad you are back safe and sound. Thought about you two all day !

  2. Thanks Brenda!! It was a long trip, but felt so awesome to get home!!
